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MOOKA PANCHA SHATHI in Tamil with meaning will be of great help to me. Blue coat k9 web protection bypass. Iphone 7 plus motherboard. Also another request. For novice person like me, learn to chant audio format will guide to pronounce properly. Mookapanchasathi:Aryasatakam Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Ganapathy started online mooka pancha shathi classes and the word spread and as of this week, Ganapathy has completed 4 batches of mooka pancha shathi classes, each taking about 15 months and has another 4 more batches on going.

Panchashati is a devotional composition by Muka Kavi dedicated to Kamakshi. The
real name of the poet is not known. Legend has it that he was born dumb but
regained not only his voice by the grace of Goddess Kamakshi but also became
a poet of considerable merit. Mooka Panchashati
consists of five satakams, each Satakam containing 100 verses. The
Satakams are Arya Satakam,
Padaravinda Satakam, Stuti Satakam, Kataksha Satakam and Mandasmita Satakam.

Kamakshi is the presiding deity of Kancheepuram. Her consort is Ekamreshwara, an aspect of
Lord Shiva. Kanchi is the Central
Peetham established by Aadi Shankaracharya who installed and consecrated
the idol of Kamakshi and established the
system of worship there. The other
Peethams are at Badrinath in the North, Dwarka in theWest, Puri in the East and Sringeri (Sringa giri)
in the South.
The translation
into English of a hymn of this nature is a delicate task and readers may kindly
pardon the shortcomings, though every attempt has been made to make the
translation as close as possible to the intended or perceived meaning.
मोहान्धकारनिवहं विनिहन्तुमीडे
I pray to the
compassionate glances of the consort of Ekamranatha that they dispel the darkness of my delusion and
attachment. Those glances are generous
enough to make even those who are dumb great poets and are alive to the need
for keeping Kanchi a cool place (i.e.
happy and contented),
मातर्जयन्ति ममताग्रहमोक्षणानि
कामाक्षि कल्पितजगत्त्रयरक्षणानि
O Mother! victory to those
glances of yours which release from the clutches of attachment and possessiveness, which are dark blue as
the blue gemstone, which have taken on the job of protecting the three worlds
and which are generous in giving boons.
कामाक्षि खेलति कटाक्षनिरीक्षणानाम्॥३॥
O Kamakshi! your glances
exhibit skill in the art of love
expounded in Kamashastra. They
are the source of ananda ( joy,happiness), they are long reaching up to
the ears and they are extremely flitting and playful.
कल्लोलितेन करुणारसवेल्लितेन
मामञ्चितेन तव किंचन कुञ्चितेन
O Kamakshi! Cool me (give me peace and happiness) by your
glances which are wave-like, full of compassion, dark, accompanied by a beautiful
soft smile, pretty and slightly crooked.
साहाय्यकं गतवती मुहुरर्जुनस्य
कामाक्षि पाण्डवचमूरिव तावकीना
O Kamakshi! The Lakshmi of your glances
reach out to help the bright smile and gladden the heart of Shiva. (Your
glances reach out to help Arjuna and gladden the heart of Bhima). Like the army of Pandavas it moves towards
Karna ( it reaches up to the ears)
[Arjuna, besides being the name of one of the sons of
Pandu, also means ‘white’ which
qualifies the ‘smile’.
Similarly Bhima
refers to one of the Pandavas and also means Lord Shiva. Karna refers to Karna of Mahabharata and also means
‘ear’. shleshalamkara]
मानन्दचन्द्रमसमानयतां प्रकाशम् ।
कामाक्षि कोमलकटाक्षनिशागमस्ते ॥६॥
O Kamakshi! Let the
beautiful side- glances which are like the arrival of night spreading dense
darkness in all quarters cause the scorching sun of my misery to set and let
the moon of joy rise spreading its light.
ताटङ्क मौक्तिकरुचांकुरदन्तकान्ति:
O kamakshi! your
side-glance is like an intoxicated elephant.
The radiance of pearls in your ear-ornaments appears as the tusk of this
elephant. The expert mahout who is
riding this elephant is your mercy (compassion, kindness). May this elephant uproot the tree of all my
ill-luck and miseries.
कामाक्षि राजति कटाक्षसुरद्रुमस्ते
O Kamakshi your glance is
the wish-yielding tree, kalpataru.
By its shade it drives away the sorrows of the world. Its tender leaves are the radiance from the
diamonds in your ear ornaments. Its flower
honey is mercy, compassion. Thus shines
the kalpataru of your glances.
कामाक्षि राजति कटाक्षकलिन्दकन्या ॥९॥
O Kamakshi! your sidelong glance is like the Yamuna
river. (both are dark in complexion).
Both are fond of those who depend on the Sun.(Yamuna is the daughter of
the Sun god. Your glances are wide as the lotus which depends on the sun for
blossoming) The radiance from your ear-globes resembles a forest of red
lotuses. Lotus flowers of red hue grow
in Yamuna also. Your
glances flow towards the sea of effulgence of the face of enemy of
Cupid, Shiva. ( Yamuna also flows into Ganga which Lord Shiva carries in his
matted locks).
[The poet is comparing Kamakshi’s glances with
the river Yamuna]
त्कामाक्षि वीक्षणविलासकलापुरन्ध्री
तस्मान्नितान्तमनयोरिदमैकमत्यम् ॥१०॥
As soon as the artist damsel of your
side-glance embraces a sukriti (person who has earned enough
merit by his good deeds), the mukti damsel also embraces him
simultaneously. These two damsels, your
side-glance and mukti are always
of the same mind.
यान्ती सदैव मरुतामनुकूलभावं
कामाक्षि कौतुकतरङ्गितनीलकण्ठा
O Kamakshi ! the string of your sidelong glances is like a cloud
formation which always follows the marut ( wind, sons of Diti friendly
to Indra). The rainbow of your eyebrows
is colourful and displays different feelings and emotions. Seeing these (cloud
and rainbow) there is a wave of interest in Nilakantha, that is Shiva (also peacock which dances with joy when it
sees the clouds)
गंगाम्भसि स्मितमये तपनात्मजेव
वक्त्रप्रभासरसि शैवलमण्डलीव
O Kamkshi! The radiance of
your sidelong glance is like the Yamuna mingling with the waters of Ganga
(because your glance is dark as the Yamuna and your smile is bright as the
waters of Ganga). Your glances form, as
it were, a garland of dark blue lilies
on the chest of Lord Shiva ( as they linger on it intermittently). They are
also like moss on the surface of the lake which is the effulgence of your
संस्कारतः किमपि कन्दलितान् रसज्ञ-
O Kamakshi! May the cloud
of your sidelong glances help nourish the young plants of auspicious, picturesque and poetic output fit
for the enjoyment of the wise which grows in properly cultivated fields of those
who love and enjoy poetry and have been trained in its nuances.
चाञ्चल्यमेव नियतं कलयन्प्रकृत्या
कैवल्यमेव किमु कल्पयते नतानां
O Kamakshi! Your glances
are, by nature, ambulatory and
wavering. It is stained by anjana.
It is bent on encroaching the path of the ears (srutipatha also means the path of the Vedas). It is therefore surprising that your glances charged with mercy grant kaivalya
or liberation to those who bow at your feet. [Being stained and trespassing the
path of the Vedas are not quite in consonance kaivalya, therefore the surprise)
संजीवने जननि चूतशिलीमुखस्य
संस्तम्भने च ममताग्रहचेष्टितस्य
O Kamakshi! the art of your sidelong glances is
the best medicine in bringing back to life Kamadeva burnt down by Shiva, in
captivating the heart of Shiva who sports the crescent moon and in blocking the
activities of the planet which is mamata (attachment, possessiveness)
र्लोलोऽपि भक्तिमधिकां द्रढयन्नराणाम्।
न्कामाक्षि नृत्यतु मयि त्वदपाङ्गपातः॥१६॥
O Kamakshi ! the glances from the corners of your
eyes, though dark, generate raga (red, love and affection ) in Murari
(Vishnu), though flimsy, they make the devotion of men strong and, though crooked, they make those who bow to them straight. Let those glances of yours fall on me and dance ( with joy).
कामद्रुहो हृदययन्त्रणजागरूका
आश्चर्यमम्ब भजतां
झटिति स्वकीय
O Kamakshi! your
ambulatory glances are always alert on
keeping control over the heart of Shiva, the enemy of Kama. But Mother! wonder of wonders the contact
with those very glances releases one
from all bondages.
चापान्वितः श्रितविदेहभवानुरागः।
Mookapanchasathi with meaning
कामाक्षि राम इव
ते करुणाकटाक्षः ॥१८॥
May the glances of
Kamakshi charged with mercy remove all my difficulties and problems. Those glances have the bow of the arched
eye-brows and they manifest love for Shiva.
They always help protect the three worlds. In this respect your glances are like
Rama who also carries a bow, who loved
Sita (videhabhavaa) and who helped Vibhishana (a rakshasa) gain the kingdom of Lanka)
शृङ्गारबीजविभवस्य पुनः प्ररोहे।
केदारमम्ब तव केवलदृष्टिपातम् ॥१९॥
O Srikamakoti!
The field, watered by love, in
which grew the seed of sringara again after Kama was burnt down by fire
from the third eye of Shiva was only the
touch of your glances.
माहात्म्यशेवधिरसौ तव दुर्विलङ्घ्य-
धैर्याम्बुधिं पशुपतेश्चुलकीकरोति
O Kamakshi!
Your glance is like the sage Agastya. It is a treasure house of
greatness which playfully blocks the Vindhya mountain of Samsara just as
sage Agastya put Vindhya down. It also
reduces the ocean of courage (determination) of Shiva to a palmful of water
just as sage Agastya drank the ocean by the power of his penance.
पीयूषवर्षशिशिरा स्फुटदुत्पलश्री-
कामाक्षि संश्रितवती वपुरष्टमूर्ते-
O Bhagavati Kamakshi !the
garland of your sidelong glances from your dark eyes, when it falls on your
consort Ashtamurti (Shiva) becomes like moonlight. It is cool like the
moonlight by the raining of nectar (from the moon which adorns Shiva’s head).
It has natural sweet friendship with utpala (lily) like the moon because
those glances are dark blue like the blue lily.
It also has the company of taraka
(which means Shiva in the case of the glances of Kamakshi and stars in the case
of the moon).
अम्ब स्मरप्रतिभटस्य वपुर्मनोज्ञ-
भृङ्गीव चुम्बति सदैव सपक्षपाता
O Mother Kamakshi! The body of Lord Shiva
covered with hairs standing on end, handsome as a forest of lotus flowers with
thorns, is always kissed by the waves your pretty glances forming a
garland, as honey-bees flit over lotus
कम्रे कटाक्षरुचिरंगतले कृपाख्या

Mookapanchasathi In Telugu Script

O Consort of Shiva ! the dancer called Mercy
dances on the stage of radiance of your glances. The stage has a canopy of dark
blue created by your tresses and it is lighted up by the brilliance of the
diamonds in your ear-globes.
अत्यन्तशीतलमतन्द्रयतु क्षणार्ध-
O Kamakoti! May the flood of glances sprouting from your eyes which
are very cool, the playfield for Cupid and lighted up by a smile, invigorate me for a moment without delay.
आरुह्य मन्दमतिकौतुकशालि चक्षु-
O Kamakshi! Your sidelong glances, wavering with the sentiments
of shyness and love is like a slowly moving swing on to which Lord Shiva’s eyes
often climb with excitement and become delighted in the process.

గురు స్సాక్షాత్ పరబ్రహ్మ తస్మై శ్రీ గురవే నమః
శుక్లాం బరధరం విష్ణుం శశివర్ణం చతుర్భుజం

నమామి భగవత్ పాదం శంకరం లోక శంకరం
ఓం నమః శివాయ
Once upon a time there lived a congenital deaf-mute person, by name Mooka Sankara. But this person was a great devotee of mother goddess. He used to spend most of the time praying the goddess in a temple. In the same village there used to be another bhaktha as well and he also used to spend lot of his time praying mother goddess.

Mookapanchasathi With Meaning In Tamil

One day both these persons were sitting in the temple praying mother goddess silently with their eyes closed. After sometime mother goddess walked upto the normal person. She took out the remnants of betel leaves (taamboolam pidacha) from her mouth and gave it to him. He refused that (very surprisingly). Mooka Sankara kept his mouth wide open and the goddess dropped that in his mouth. Mooka Sankara immediately regained his voice and hearing power.
Right after that he recited pancha sati on mother goddess. A collection of 500 slokas across 5 satis, each sati containing 100 slokas.
Stuthi Satakam
Kataaksha Satakam

Mookapanchasathi Sloka Pdf

Mookapanchasathi Sanskrit Tamil Meaning

Goddess was so pleased with those, she told him to ask for a boon. He immediately told mother goddess to get rid off his voice again. Surprised with this strange boon, she asked him for the reason.
Don’t want to use my voice/mouth to utter anything else after the slokas about you. Mother goddess immediately made him dumb.
Mookapanchasathi padaravinda satakam

Mookapanchasathi Sloka

He became the 20th Aacharya of Kanchi peetham and was known as “Sri Muka Sankarendra Sarawathi”


All the aacharyas of Kanchi peetham take up Sanyaasa aasramam directly from Brahmacharya aasramam.
సర్వే జనాః సుఖినో భవంతు

Mookapanchasathi Telugu Book

PS: There could be typos and other mistakes in telugu and english, kindly pardon me with big hearts.