Franklincovey Planplus For Microsoft Outlook

  1. Franklin Covey Planplus For Microsoft Outlook Office 365 Login
  2. Franklin Covey Planplus For Microsoft Outlook Login

ProjectsPlus for Microsoft Outlook and TasksPlus for Microsoft Outlook are sold separately but are also included in the company's existing planning and information application, PlanPlus(TM) v.5 for Microsoft(R) Outlook(R), which seamlessly integrates FranklinCovey's proven planning methods within Microsoft Outlook. PlanPlus for Microsoft Outlook by FranklinCovey Planner Software.

I would be glad if this post helps somebody, as I myself had to spend quite a while to find a reliable alternative to Franklin Covey PlanPlus for Outlook. Though it is a great application, it is good to have choice.

Recent system updates and new Windows 7 and Outlook 2010 releases have resulted in problems with a number of Outlook tasks applications. The delicate situation has not pass by PlanPlus and the Internet has aroused the issue of trouble that the application has when working on the new platform. Even though the application offers a thorough set of business features, and it has special solutions for BlackBerry, users started to surf in search of alternatives. So did I.

First, I have set some guidelines and made a list of input data. In my opinion, a PlanPlus alternative should meet the requirements:

  • Nice interface
  • Moderate price
  • Perfect for Outlook 2010 and Windows 7
  • Never crashes the computer
  • Never slows down the computer or Outlook performance: neat and fast
  • Never conflicts with other Outlook apps I have
  • Syncs with Outlook instantly
  • The first application that met the requirements, attracted my attention at once: TaskCracker that, in addition, provides a very good-looking set of features for visual planning – something, that I didn’t expect to find in existing Outlook applications, so it was a rather pleasant surprise which turned to be a very useful Outlook tasks add-in. So, let us see if it is a good PlanPlus alternative: what can we do with TaskCracker?

    Break long-term goals into manageable daily tasks – using task management techniques


    The application provides a visual matrix that enables the user to:

  • Visually plan and manage tasks
  • Interactively manage tasks deadlines and priority
  • Apply GTD
  • Apply Urgent/important matrix
  • Apply Eisenhower matrix method
  • Plan visually: move tasks around in the visual matrix with drag and drop interface

    TaskCracker colour-coded task matrix is not only very neat and clean. It also allows to interactively assign both deadline and priority to the task by drag and dropping the to appropriate quadrants.

    This way, even a huge task list is proactively organized in seconds. Visual presentation enables more control over weekly planning, where important becomes evident.

    Franklincovey Planplus For Microsoft Outlook

    Visual planning is more efficient as our brain gathers more information visually rather than in the form of long lists.

    Turn emails into tasks by dragging the e-mail to your Task List

    This practice, standard for Outlook and PlanPlus, is supported in TaskCracker. As a bonus, this helps Inbox Zero method application. After the email is turned into a new task, it can be visually prioritized along with other tasks.

    Franklin Covey Planplus For Microsoft Outlook Office 365 Login

    Use multiple email accounts

    You can have as many Outlook accounts as you want: TaskCracker supports multi-account mode. Transparent visual planning is powerful enough to serve them all. At the same time, the application is fast enough not to slow Outlook work down, even in case you have more than one account, with many tasks and email in them.

    Less cost for a faster application

    Franklin Covey Planplus For Microsoft Outlook Login

    TaskCracker lifetime license costs $39.95 and includes full product functionality. There is also a 30-day trial period when you can use the application for free. You can find more details here.